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7 Trends From Semalt To Dominate SEO Marketing in 2017

SEO, for most businesses, helps them stay ahead of their competitors. Understanding changes in SEO is necessary so as to adjust their content and SEO strategy to level up with the competition.

Jason Adler, the leading Customer Success Manager of Semalt Digital Services, explains the dominating SEO trends of 2017:

1. Rise of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs).

AMPs are an open-source protocol that speeds up page load on mobile devices. They increase speed by four times and cut data costs by eight times. Google favors sites that have optimized their structure to support AMPs. A small icon, consisting of a carousel and a lightning bolt, indicate the AMP status of the site. Due to this favoritism, an anticipated action by most brands is to take advantage of the option.

2. Rise of "Dense" Content.

People currently favor lengthy content that covers a topic extensively as compared to the bite-sized content repeatedly used in the past. Since both types have flooded the market, the focus may shift to ignoring length entirely and focusing on providing as much content in the smallest possible space to appeal readers, something called "dense" content.

3. Machine Learning Will Change How Algorithms Work.

Google RankBrain opened the doors to machine learning possibilities. The Google Hummingbird functions' extension analyzes phrases used by users in conversational queries and updates algorithms accordingly. People anticipate that Google will release more learning updates and incorporate them in other areas such as data interpretation or automated marketing.

4. Personal Branding as a Secret SEO Weapon.

It will become easier for businesses to secure guest posts, build trust, and drive more traffic to the website. Semalt has successfully integrated personal branding into the marketing campaign. As social media platforms continue to favor the individual posts over branded posts, more companies will continue to find value in personal branding thus leading to more opportunities and increased competition.

5. User Experience Optimization (UEO).

User experience is important to SEO. Google favors mobile optimized sites for mobile devices. Speed and an enjoyable user experience are defining characteristics of a mobile optimized site. The year 2017 may put more emphasis on user experience. AMPs are the first sign of this, but looking for alternate ways that capitalize on user experience is advisable.

6. Intensified Use of Mobile Apps.

SEO has increased the mobile app options for users with such features as app indexing, deep linking within the apps, and app streaming. So far, Google has managed to cater to needs of the app users without deviating from its search engine as a search engine. Apps may soon replace traditional websites and increased app favoritism.

7. Sophistication of Personal Digital Assistants.

In 2017, diversification and increased sophistication of personal digital assistants' features such as Siri and Cortana these features will bring about newer and more advanced forms of conversational search queries presenting rank opportunities for businesses in both areas.

There is no immediate need to change current marketing strategies, but it is important to be aware of the potential impacts these trends could have on business. This awareness will help develop an action plan to maintain top ranking over opponents.